Next Level Upstate teams are composed of players who are mostly from the same school/location. These players compete on the high, competitive level and must be dedicated to the game of basketball and looking to play on at the collegiate level.
Players can expect to compete in local, national level events, NCAA certified live events, and college exposure showcases.
Tournament Season
Tournament season will begin in mid March/early April and run through mid/late June; possibly early July. Teams participating on the GOLD tier schedule will participate in NCAA Live Events and exposure showcases. Teams on the SILVER tier schedule will conclude their season with a nationals tournament IF THE TEAM QUALIFIES. Teams on the BRONZE tier schedule will participate in local events only! A tournament schedule is TBD and will be posted at a later date.
Upstate Team Fees Include...
Gym Rental/Insurance
Tournament Registration
Coaching Expenses
Fees DO NOT include travel expenses!